Congratulations, you've come so far and learned so many different skills and approaches to scene work. Now, we combine it all into The Harold. The harold is the preeminent long form of improvisation.
Not only is it a fun format to perform and to watch, it is also a great training ground to become a versatile and well-rounded performer as it consolidates many of the skills required for all other improv formats.
You'll learn how to communicate and collaborate to create thematically rich and cohesive pieces of comedy theatre.
$575 Full / $525 Concession
Plus online booking fee of $5
Prices include GST
Course calendar
Instructor Profile
Broni is the Education Director at The Improv Conspiracy. An established performer, teacher and coach, you can catch Broni around the theatre in such shows as Swing Set, King George, The Remix, and many more!
Broni’s has trained at Second City and the Hideout Theatre in Austin and much more. He's also a bachelor of Art and Education majoring in Drama. In addition to being a very experienced improviser, Broni is also a professional Actor, Writer and Musician.
He's also the host of The Improv Conspiracy Podcast and you can check out his animated improv series Spontoon on IG, TikTok and YouTube.
Broni has taught over 1000 students. Performed over 1000 shows. Directed or performed over 50,000 scenes. Its probably too much actually.
Enjoy some good times downstairs at Theory Bar
Fancy a beverage after your next show or class session? Our ground floor bar is open Wednesday–Sunday.
Community members and ticket-holders get 10% off*
(* Sundays and Public Holidays excepted)
Please note: drinks can not be transferred between venues in the building